EDvantage Card Sign-Up

Click on the Edvantage logo to learn more about the Edvantage Savings Program!

All members of CUPE 7575 are eligible for an Edvantage Membership Card!




Please allow time for cards to be ordered and processed. Sign up to register below.


Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Toolkit for the Education Sector

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FAQ SHEET – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – Why use these tools?  Who uses these tools?

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Workplace Violence – A Guide to the Law

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Safety Alert Summary Fillable form

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The CUPE EWBT benefits plan is now in effect, as of March 1st, 2018.  

Questions about enrollment & eligibility for benefits?

Contact OTIP Benefit Services at  www.otip.com  or call  them at 1-866-783-6847 (Mon – Fri 8am-8 pm, Sat 9 am – 3 pm)

Questions about health & dental benefit coverage? 

Contact Great West Life at 1-866-800-8058  (Mon – Fri 8 am – 7 pm (EST))

Great-West Life’s Group Net for Plan Members: groupnet.greatwestlife.com

For information on your benefits and to review the CUPE EWBT plan click on this link:  www.cupe-ewbt.ca

Are You Registered?

Do you receive the E-blasts emails from the CUPE 7575 President? These emails are sent directly to your non-board personal email addresses and provide the most up to date information, as it is received confidentially by the secretary!

Sign up today and be informed!